Local Authority / Music Hub
1-month Assessment Log-in for ABC Music Online



Enter your email details below, and we will send you a log-in for 1 month,
giving you full access to the ABC Online resource for you and your staff.

Please share your log-in with other Local Authority staff, or members of your specialist team,
who can assess the website and try out activities in the classroom.

Many thanks,

Phil and Tom Bancroft
ABC Creative Music

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Local Authority / Music Hub (required)

    Your Job Description (required)

    Are you interested in Early Years, SEN or Primary, or all three? (required)

    Go here for more information on what ABC Creative Music can offer your Local Authority/Music Hub.

    Go here to try some interactive creative activities.

    Go here to find out more about our new African Music Festival and Online Djembe programme.