Personal Development through African Drumming & Dance:
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Basic African Drumming & Dance Package: £999 & VAT
- Involve up to 2 P5-7 classes.
- 2hr in-class Support Visit by ABC trainer with children-demonstrates how to learn drumming patterns using body percussion and dance patterns
- CPD session shows class teachers how to use video drumming and dancing courses on ABC website to learn from 2 Ghanaian masters on screen.
- Classes can practice drumming and dancing with class teacher over several weeks before final visit by 2 Ghanaian Masters – meaning skills development and impact on children is much greater
- Video diaries from children in Ghana and Malawi and visit by Ghanaian master drummer and dancer provide great opportunity for Global Citizenship learning around project.
- Course also encourages self expression through improvising on drums and freestyle dancing.
- Witness the transformative journey from “it is unthinkable that I would dance freestyle in front of my classmates” to ” it is unthinkable that I WOULDN’T dance freestyle in front of my classmates”.
- 12 months ABC Creative Music Online Subscription (to the value of £175) included*
African Drumming & Dance & ABC Creative Music Refresh Package: £1499 & VAT
- Contains all the elements of the basic package.
- Uses the African Drumming & Dance Experience as a way to refresh creative music provision in your school targeted at wider benefits including personal development.
- Access to New to ABC and Follow on CPD for all your staff**
- A Full Support Day in your school for Primary and or Nursery class
- CD and Support Day training targeted at building a creativity and performance culture in your school.
- 12 months ABC Creative Music Online Subscription (to the value of £175) included*
For more information or to order email tom@abccreativemusic.com
If you need to speak to someone call Tom on 0131 510 0678.
Package will be delivered from May 2018. Book before the end of March for 10% off.
* subscription value up to £175 refunded if already paid or can be used for following year.
** CPD may involve staff from another school doing the same programme.