ABC Music for SEN
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Musical creativity gives powerful, validating, multi-sensory & kinaesthetic experiences to children with SEN.
ABC Music for SEN helps you make these experiences available to all your children, everyday.

Click on the questions below, to find out more…
Features of the SEN Programme include:
- Activities broken down into small steps with
Supersized Icons and Teaching Aids in the SEN Resource packs. - Switch control for on-screen interactive activities. Teachers can set the length of time each choice is presented, to suit individual children. NB: Going live in April 2013- see demo here.
- Guidance on including children with severe Physical Disability in making active choices in creative activities, and in responding to the choices of others.
- Advice on leading creative music activities to children with a variety of needs-
including Physical Disability, ADHD, Autistic Spectrum and Down Syndrome/Trisomy21.
ABC Activities offer distinct experiences for each child in your group.
- Some children will vocalise accurately along with a song, or play in time with the correct beat.
- Others will play or make sounds at different places in their own way.
- Some will rock to the music, or show signs of pleasure hearing the musical activity of other children.
- For each child, this will be a wonderful success.
The programme is available in both formats:
- Traditional resource packs- laminated lesson plans in a ringbinder, with CDs and Teaching Aids.
- As an online programme delivered through your interactive whiteboard, with interactive onscreen activities, online assessment and training videos.
We know that most SEN teachers prefer the flexibility of both formats, so:
- You get a 12-month’s free online subscription if you buy one or more resource packs.
- Or get a free trial or subscription for the online-only option.
NB: Our 30-day risk-free guarantee applies to both online and resource pack options, and gives you a full refund if you are not completely satisfied with your purchase.
Look at a selection below. Go to the SEN 1, SEN 2 or SEN 3 pages for more examples.
Click on links below for pop-up sample pages. Associated audio tracks above, where relevant.
ABC Music for SEN Pack 1- Contents Page
Click twice on page below to enlarge.
ABC Music for SEN Pack 1- Contents Page
ABC Music for SEN Pack 1- Contents Page
Click twice on page below to enlarge.
Sample Pages - Autism Advice & SEN Attainment Chart
Click twice on page below to enlarge.
Sample Pages - Autism Advice & SEN Attainment Chart
Sample Pages - Autism Advice & SEN Attainment Chart
Click twice on page below to enlarge.
Sample Activity 1 - Boing Song
Click twice on page below to enlarge.
Sample Activity 1 - Boing Song
Sample Activity 1 - Boing Song
Click twice on page below to enlarge.
Sample Activity 2 - Count to Four 2
Click twice on page below to enlarge.
Sample Activity 2 - Count to Four 2
Sample Activity 2 - Count to Four 2
Click twice on page below to enlarge.
Sample Activity 3 - Pass the Percussion
Click twice on page below to enlarge.
Sample Activity 3 - Pass the Percussion
Sample Activity 3 - Pass the Percussion
Click twice on page below to enlarge.
Yes, of course…Go here.
Yes, ABC Music programmes are designed for everyone to use- especially non-specialists teachers.
You don’t have to sing, read music or play an instrument to lead this programme really well.

Find out more about each ABC Music for SEN course:
“It’s been really welcomed by the staff. Very simple to use-
everything is clearly laid out and very colourful…”
Rhoda MacDougall, Headteacher, Lochies School, Clackmannanshire
Additional Questions:
- ABC Music for SEN 1 is designed for Reception level children in England, P1 level children in Scotland and for a range of ages and abilities in children with SEN- depending on their individual needs.
- ABC Music for SEN 2: follows on from Pack 1 and is designed for Year 1 children in England, P2 children in Scotland and for a range of ages and abilities in children with SEN- depending on their individual needs. It can be used without SEN courses 1 & 3.
- ABC Music for SEN 3 follows on from SEN 2 and is designed for Year 2 children in England, P3 children in Scotland and for a range of ages and abilities in children with SEN- depending on their individual needs. It can be used without SEN courses 1 & 2.
We work hard to make these courses easy for busy teachers to use, by providing:
- Lesson plans written in simple language with clear layout.
- Everything you need to teach in the pack or on the website.
- Teacher’s Guides offers loads of tips.
- A Support website with On-line Training videos and FAQs.
- Curriculum planning- with downloadable planning sheets for CFE and Keystages-
×Example Keystage Coding Documents
Click twice on page below to enlarge.×Example Keystage Coding Documents
Click twice to enlarge.
For the Online SEN courses:
- On-line Training videos.
- On-line traffic light assessment which you can save online and print out for reports on individual children or the whole class.
×Screenshot of Online Traffic Light Assssment Page. Click twice on page below to enlarge.
ABC Music for SEN develops:
- Active listening skills, visual attention, gross and fine motor skills, language and social skills,
- Literacy and mathematical skills and concepts through the use of symbols and numbers .
- a sense of rhythm and pitch, as well as instrumental and singing skills.
The ABC Music for SEN 1 course helps children:
- Explore sound and silence,
- Hear and perform different numbers of sounds,
- Explore a basic set of percussion instruments and their sounds,
- Choose and perform sounds and actions with a rhythmic count.
- Explore materials: what sounds can you make with paper?
For a fuller description, see SEN 1.
ABC Music for SEN 2 helps children:
- Explore the musical concepts loud and soft, high and low (pitch) and fast and slow (tempo or speed)
- Perform with beats and bars at different speeds
- Explore a wider range of classroom percussion and a new set of percussion icons
- Learn to play chime bars and tuned percussion, composing some simple music as a group using animal symbols.
- Explore materials: What sounds can you make with things made from wood?
For a fuller description, see SEN 2.
ABC Music for SEN 3 helps children:
- Develop their sense of pitch and rhythm further.
- Compose short sequences of music on untuned percussion and chime bars, performing them with a rhythmic count as a group.
- Conduct loud and soft sounds on percussion, and learning a song about loud and soft sounds.
- Compose longer sequences with a more complex structure.
- Explore materials: What sounds can you make with things made from plastic?
- Recognise different types of instruments and how they are played.
For a fuller description, see SEN 3
For our SEN courses we offer 3 levels of trainings (more info and costings on request):
1) Individual Online CPD:
- Included in the free online subscription, a self-training course allows you to watch online training videos and complete a self-assessment review.
- There are 6 teacher skills and concepts you need to know, to start teaching the programme effectively.- called the ABC Core 6.
- These are covered in 6 short videos on our website, and there is lots of additional teacher support in the packs and online.
2) On-site CPD training delivered by ABC staff:
- CPD Training for ABC Music can be delivered on-site by ABC staff, and helps teachers to feel more confident when they start the programme.
- Our training programmes have been fine tuned over 12 years, and receive 91% approval ratings.
3) ABC training can also be delivered by a member of your own staff- using the SEN Music Leader Program:
- The Music Leader Programme, allows you or another member of staff to run an ABC CPD session in your school, using multimedia and video delivered from our training website. (Available from April 2013)
- A 2-hour induction webinar or training session shows your Music Leader how to use the ABC training website. Then they can show training videos and multimedia, and download handouts and knowledge reviews, to run effective training on-site for all your staff.
Yes, get free trial lessons for the Online courses here.
And all Resource packs and online courses come with our 30-day no-risk guarantee- so if the courses are not right for you you get a full refund, including any return postage costs.